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Phoenix rising

Whoa. It's been a while. I did lost the initial interest in blogging due to the fact that it's pretty hard to get anyone over to read my rants with the amount of data in the Internet. However, to my delight, now that I came back I can see that at least some visitors have passed by. It seems that our friend Google has picked up this blog too and thus it actually can hit some searches on the topics.

So, the rising Phoenix is not as much the one from Arizona, but instead the blogger, yours truly. I'll try to get a grip on this writing business again and come up with some more pseudointelligent analysis at least couple of times a month. The sport of ice hockey is way too exiting to not write about.

Please comment on any of my stuff if you enjoy (hate?) it. That'll definitely boost my appetite to push further.

For anyone ending up on the page looking for some insight in the Coyotes, I'll apologize for the lame chapter following this.

Since the bright moments last season, it seems that the Coyotes have again fallen down to the company of other insignificants. Okay, Shane Doan is posting personal point streak records, goalies are sometimes able to pull the team through some wins. That still won't add up to anything than an early summer vacation. Hopefully the financials get sorted out soon and the team gets some spectator magnets to start up a whole new era of greatness for the franchise. Well, previous being in Winnipeg ages ago with one special Finn entering the career that'll end up as one of all time greats. But this season: you seriously cannot have Keith Yandle as the leading scorer at the half season mark!

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